In the beautiful chaos of motherhood, where every day seems to blend seamlessly into the next, there’s a hidden struggle that many moms face: finding time for themselves. Between managing household tasks, nurturing little hearts, and tending to a never-ending to-do list, it’s easy to lose sight of the person who holds it all together – you, the amazing mom. It’s like we’re in a never-ending race against time, constantly juggling responsibilities while trying to squeeze in a moment of tranquility. I know, because I’ve been there too.
I remember those early days of motherhood when my world revolved around my little one. Every waking moment was consumed by feeding, changing diapers, and trying to catch a few precious moments of sleep. The days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, and before I knew it, I had lost touch with the person I used to be.
But here’s what I’ve learned along the way: taking care of ourselves isn’t selfish; it’s necessary. I don’t recall how many times I’ve mentioned this, but I am not afraid to say it again – it’s essential for us, as moms, to prioritize our own self-care. In fact, it’s one of the best things we can do for our families. When we prioritize self-care and make time for ourselves, we become happier, more patient, and better equipped to handle the demands of motherhood.
I’ve gotten a lot of questions like, “How do you even have time to craft, go for a daily morning jog, and even make time for other hobbies?” Would it make you feel better if I told you that it isn’t always like this? I don’t want to portray the “I have the perfect life” image. My house is still messy, and sometimes, I tend to stay up late, but I do make sure that despite the daily chaos and exhaustion of motherhood, I take time out for my mental health.
I don’t have this all figured out, but somehow, I make it all work.
My secret? I’ve introduced small, doable activities and habits into my daily routine that help me feel more connected to myself and the life I truly want to live. Here are a few strategies that have worked for me, which could also be helpful for you:
15 Simple Yet Effective Ways to Find Time for Yourself as a Mom
Embrace the Power of Routine
Establishing a daily routine can provide structure and help carve out time for yourself. Wake up a little earlier than your children, and use that quiet time to do something you enjoy – whether it’s reading a book, practicing yoga, or simply sipping a cup of coffee in peace, and while it’s still hot. For me, it’s crafting. I like to wake up early, do some simple stretches, then off to my craft room and do whatever I feel like doing. Whether it be sublimating tote bags, creating beautiful mugs, or even coming up with a new design that I could use for a notebook I’d like to craft.
After this, our day starts. We like going on an hourly walk (or jog) around our neighbourhood. Then I’d be preparing breakfast for the family, and tend to other house chores like laundry. After this, I start my working day. When you establish a routine, it’s easier to be more productive and much more conscious of the tasks you’re doing.
And don’t worry if you can’t do it all on your first try. You can start incorporating one to two activities into your daily routine first before adding more. The important thing is to find something that you enjoy and incorporate it into your daily life.
We all want to be super moms, but the truth is that we can’t do it all—and that’s okay. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Remember, you don’t have to do it all on your own. Involve your partner. If you are a single mom, ask family members, or trusted friends in your circle. Sharing responsibilities can lighten the load and help you find more time for yourself. It doesn’t have to be always a big task. Simple tasks like grocery shopping, cooking meals, or watching the kids can help you find more time for yourself.
If you can, outsource some of the daunting tasks, or have other people do the things that you dread doing. Is doing the laundry an exhausting chore for you? Bring it to the nearest laundry shop or find someone who can help.
Make Time for Mini Escapes
We all have our own unique way of unwinding, and you don’t need to be a millionaire to experience it either. Whether it’s carving out moments for yourself on the weekend or even daily mini rituals – like taking a bath with essential oils, sipping tea in your favorite mug, or simply taking a few minutes to reflect – create rituals that allow you to reconnect with yourself. Sometimes all we need is a few minutes to reset and recharge. Whenever possible, try to take breaks throughout your day. Taking just 15-20 minutes of alone time daily can do wonders for your mental health and well-being.
Pick up a journal and start writing in it, even if it’s just for five minutes a day. Spend time in nature or reconnect with your creative side by doing something you enjoy – like drawing, painting, or crafting.
Celebrate Small Victories
Acknowledge and celebrate the small victories you achieve every day. Whether it’s completing a household chore, managing a tantrum with patience, or simply keeping everyone fed and safe, give yourself credit for the incredible job you’re doing as a mom.
But, what does this have to do with finding time for yourself? Great question! Taking time to celebrate small successes can help boost your self-confidence and inner strength – two things you need when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
Set Boundaries and Learn to Say “NO”
Most often than not, we stretch ourselves too thin trying to please everyone. But this isn’t healthy – not for you and your family. It’s important to set boundaries with people and situations and learn how to say “NO” if something doesn’t align with your values or what you want in life.
It’s okay to put yourself first, and it’s Okay to cancel plans when you are feeling exhausted. Respect yourself enough to say “no” when necessary and don’t be afraid to set boundaries with the people in your life as well. Remember, you are not responsible for anyone else’s feelings – just yours.
Be Kind to Yourself
Moms experience so much guilt throughout their journey, but I want you to know that it’s not healthy – so don’t be too hard on yourself. Accept and embrace your imperfections because nobody’s perfect. You deserve to give yourself some grace, love, and kindness. Make sure that you find time for self-care every day – even if it’s a few minutes of journaling or meditation, this will help boost your physical and mental well-being and make you feel more connected to your inner self.
See to It That You Recharge
Did you know that 5-15 minutes of rest can help you stay focused and productive the whole day? Recharging is an essential part of self-care, so make sure to find time for it every day. Taking a power nap in the afternoon is one way to reenergize yourself and get ready for your evening routine.
Remember that you need this time just as much (if not more) than everyone else in the family. Give yourself permission to take a break from being a parent and do something that you enjoy.
Be Intentional with Your Time
The best way to find more time for yourself is by being intentional with your time. This means making sure that every moment counts and using it wisely. Prioritize your tasks, come up with a plan, and find ways to be more productive.
What if you have a toddler, or a clingy newborn that needs attention every single minute? You know, I don’t believe in multitasking, but rather micro-tasking. This means focusing on one task at a time and taking breaks when you need to. Put the baby to bed, and then do something productive for yourself. When you can, you can even bring your toddler along with you and find something that he can do to help out. Or when the baby sleeps, take this opportunity to catch some quick “me” time.
Making the Most of Your Commute
If you have a daily commute, use that time to your advantage. Turn your car or public transportation ride into a mini escape. Listen to audiobooks, podcasts, or uplifting music that helps you relax or learn something new. You can also use this time to practice mindfulness or deep breathing exercises, which can help you start your day on a positive note or decompress after a long day.
Maximize Nap Time
When your little one takes a nap, seize the opportunity to recharge yourself. I’ve mentioned this earlier, and while some moms are tempted to dive into chores or work, you need to make sure that your needs are being met first. Take a break, go for a walk, or do something that makes YOU feel good. This is the only way you can take care of yourself and stay energized during the day.
Remember, the dishes and laundry can wait, but your well-being cannot. If you’re feeling better, then this means that you have more time and energy to deal with other household chores.
Connect with Other Moms
Motherhood can be isolating, but you’re not alone in this journey. Seek out other moms in your community or join online groups to connect with like-minded individuals who understand your experiences. Sharing your challenges, triumphs, and even just a few laughs can help you feel supported and less alone. Set up playdates or coffee meet-ups where you can bond and recharge together.
Utilize Technology Wisely
Technology can be a powerful tool for finding time for yourself. Use apps or online resources to simplify and streamline your daily tasks. Whether it’s grocery delivery services, meal planning apps, or household management tools, leverage technology to free up some precious minutes in your day. This extra time can then be used for self-care activities and more time for yourself that you deserve.
Make Exercise a Priority
If someone would tell me this years ago, I’d say they’re crazy! But after several years of motherhood, I can honestly say that physical activity is one of the best ways to take care of yourself. Exercise is not only beneficial for your physical health but also for your mental well-being.
And hey, I’m not talking about strenuous exercises (but if you can, go for it!) – even just a few minutes of yoga, or a brisk walk around the block can do wonders to your mood and energy levels. So if you want to make time for yourself, don’t forget to include physical activity in your daily routine.
You can even turn this into a family activity. Do Zumba, or do a quick workout video at home. Dance your heart out, walk in place (or in your treadmill), do jumping ropes and get the kids involved. Play outdoor games with them! Whatever it is, exercise and physical activities releases endorphins, which then makes you feel better and more energized throughout the day.
Practice Self-Compassion
Motherhood is a constant learning curve, and you will inevitably make mistakes along the way. Instead of beating yourself up over every perceived failure, practice self-compassion. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer your spouse, child, or friend. Remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can, and it’s okay to ask for help or take a break when you need it. Embrace self-forgiveness and let go of guilt.
Set Realistic Expectations
As moms, we often set high expectations for ourselves and try to do it all. However, it’s important to be realistic about what you can accomplish in a day. Prioritize your tasks and let go of the ones that aren’t essential. Remember that perfection is not attainable, and it’s okay to leave some things undone. Give yourself permission to embrace imperfection and focus on what truly matters to you and your family.
Final Thoughts
Remember, finding time for yourself is an ongoing process. It is not a luxury, but a necessity. It requires intention, perseverance, and a commitment to self-care. Some days will be easier than others, but every small step you take towards prioritizing yourself is a step towards creating a happier, more fulfilled version of you.
So, dear busy mom, let’s make a pact to carve out those moments of tranquility in the chaos. Self-care isn’t about spending money; it’s about taking the time to nurture yourself and do things that make you feel alive with joy and purpose. Start small and do what works best for you. I know first-hand how challenging it can be to juggle motherhood, work, relationships, and self-care. But I also know that the more we prioritize our own self-care, the happier and healthier we become – not just as mothers but as individuals too.

Aine Austria is a content creator, freelancer, entrepreneur, essential oils educator, nacho lover, and mom to an adorable daughter. She helps aspiring mom bloggers and entrepreneurs launch their blog, alongside other money-making opportunities. Aine believes that everyone has a story to tell and that their experiences and talents can be shared with the world.
Aine’s passion for writing and sharing her knowledge with others started at a young age. Growing up, she always loved to read books, write stories, and express herself through words. She strongly believes that moms can still pursue their dreams and passions while raising a family, and she aims to inspire other moms to do the same through her work.
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