In one of my previous posts about time management, I've mentioned that using my handy dandy planner is one of the things that I have in place to keep me sane - well, almost! With a breastfed toddler in tow, freelance gigs and a business to run, and a family to take care of, it may seem almost impossible for me to keep track of everything. Sure, I still forget a couple of things here and there, but, I'd never be able to get away with my day ... Read the Post...
Knitting (or Crocheting) for Profit?
I've often been asked - quite a lot - how can a stay-at-home mom make money without having to leave their home? We salute all mothers who've decided to stay at home to take care of their family, especially their children. There's no bigger sacrifice that anyone could've made, and for that, you have our respect. While we all know that household work is no JOKE, and sometimes, (okay, not sometimes, maybe most often), we'd also want to make make a ... Read the Post...
Mom’s Ultimate Time Management Guide: 8 Time Management Hacks That Will Help You Get Everything Done!
For mothers, time management is a huge concern - whether you’re a stay at home mom, work at home mom, or a working mom. In between laundry, kids’ activities, work, wifey duties, and many other household activities, it seems like the house is one of the most stressful environments for all moms. In fact, many mothers have given up their time to take care of themselves just to make sure that everything’s done. I know, I’ve been there too. ... Read the Post...