Have you ever had the feeling that no matter what kind of search engine optimization you do, you can't seem to outsmart Google? Like seriously - its algorithms change faster than Taylor Swift would change his boyfriend! Haha but on a serious note, its algorithms are pretty tricky, that if you're a startup business, or if you're new in the blogging industry, getting top rankings seem impossible. I know how it feels - because I've been there! Just ... Read the Post...
Are You Ready for Lazada’s GRAND CHRISTMAS SALE?
It's that time of the year again, and as moms, (I know you can all relate) that "discounted prices", "sales", and "50%" off are terms sent from above! So for all the practical moms out there who are always looking ways to save money to buy gifts for their kids, friends, family and "inaanaks", here's a little bit of surprise for you. If you've missed Lazada's 11.11 Online Revolution, don't fret! There's a part 2, the Lazada's Online Revolution ... Read the Post...
How to Live Within Your Means and Its Importance
It sounds simple, doesn’t it? But surprisingly, only a few people do it. What does living within your means is, and why is it important? Simply said, it is about spending money that is less than your total income and / or assets combined. This is the simplest, yet most effective way to live a debt-free life! What do I know anyway with finances? Just like many of you, I’ve been there. It has been a struggle. I have to admit - I’ve had those ... Read the Post...
Boost Your Social Media Engagement – FOR FREE!
It's been a while since I last posted, and I'm sorry - got caught up with a lot of things, but I'm once again back. As some of you may have noticed, I used to use Post Planner to share posts, images, quotes and statuses within our niche on Facebook and Twitter. This one simple tool helped me automate sharing content with my audience, allowing me to enhance my social media marketing. It’s such a shame that I wasn’t able to make the most out of ... Read the Post...